Punching machine
A hydraulic hole punching machine is equipped with a worktop and is used strictly for punching plates, flat steel, angle steel and sectional steel. In many cases a coordinate table with and without CNC control is used for easy positioning. Also available is a measuring unit to allow automatic positioning of longer bar stocks (e.g. angular steel). The punching capacity of a hole punching machine ranges from 200 KN up to 2200 KN. Leading manufacturers of hydraulic punching machines are Peddinghaus, Mubea, Ficep, Geka and Sunrise. These hydraulic hole punches as well as hydraulic section shears are in use in countless metalworking shops and steel construction companies worldwide.
Due to their robust construction even used hole punches and section shears are extremely efficient machines. You will find the necessary punching tools such as punches and dies at Nenok.
Due to our high security requirements we do not deal with older mechanical hole punches.
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