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Latest news

Nenok wishes all steel fabricators and steel distributors a happy new year.Over the past few months, we have realized how crucial close partnerships are to our success. The year ahead will certainly…

Merry and peaceful Christmas!May the festive Christmas season be as stable and strong as the steel structures that accompany us every day. We would like to thank you for your trust and cooperation…

Event-Recap: Stahl trifft Wasser in Langenargen am BodenseeAm wunderschönen Bodensee fand letzte Woche unser Branchentreffen „Stahl trifft Wasser“ statt. Eingeladen waren Führungskräfte renomierter…

Stahlbau Branchentreffen bei Nenok in Langenargen am BodenseeAm 25. September 2024 lädt die Firma Nenok zum exklusiven Branchentreffen „Stahl trifft Wasser“ nach Langenargen am Bodensee ein. Dieses…