Becky Job Master 12.25
Description of Becky Job Master 12.25
The Becky Job Master 12.25 plasma cutting system in gantry design with a drilling unit
The Becky Job Master 12.25 plasma cutting system has a processing length of 12,000 mm, a gantry processing width of 2500 mm and has the following machine equipment for economical use in a flame cutting company or steel construction company.
- a BK 300-3D bevel cutting head with automatic work parameter database
- a drilling unit for drilling and thread cutting and a 6 compartment tool magazine
- an automatic laser sheet adjustment LPD
- an oxyfuel torch B180-F for maximum material thickness of 100 mm with oxygen / acetylene cutting gas
- a Hypertherm HPR400XD plasma source with automatic gas console
- an extraction table and extraction filter for fumes and dust with 16 cartridges
Becky Job Master assemblies Description
The Becky Job Master plasma cutting system has a compact mechanical structure consisting of a sturdy welded steel frame which is fixed to the workshop floor with mounting feet. The fixing on the floor is separated from the machine frame to prevent vibrations during processing.
- Very stable steel gantry suitable for fast dynamic movements in combination with a stable worktable.
- Work table divided into sections for optimum smoke extraction
- Work table with grid support frame for easy removal, cleaning and quick replacement of the grid
- X-axis positioning with prismatic guides and brushless motors on both sides of the gantry
- Prismatic guides on both sides with 4 strong ball screws
- Double-sided AC servo drive via induction-hardened racks and pinions
- Y-axis with double guides and brushless motor
- Aluminum torch and tool carriage with 4 ball screws
- AC servo drive via pinion/rack
- Elegant white metal cover of prismatic guides and ball screws
- Automatic height control of the plasma torch with collision avoidance
- Automatic arc height control of plasma torch with anti-collision
- Z axis automatic adjustment of plasma torch Mod B-300 with 300mm stroke
- Laser measurement of the distance between torch and sheet and automatic sheet angle adjustment
- Modern CNC control type D-Elektron with the following features
- CNC -Z32 Florenz for plasma and oxyfuel operation on industrial PC and embedded Windows operating system
- Large color graphic LCD display with touch screen and graphic display of nesting and work parameters
- Dimensioning and positioning of boxes
- Automatic sheet alignment through contact with two points
- Automatic program recovery after work interruption
- Machine diagnostics with help and error messages
- Graphic display of the running work program
- ZOOM of running nesting program while the machine is working
- Cutting parameters are stored in the CNC in relation to the type and thickness of the material
- Endlessly rotating automatic plasma beveling unit
- 5-axis plasma bevel cutting (bevel) +/- 45°
- Maximum adjustment speed Z axis 25,000 mm/min
- Aluminum monoblock structure
- Harmonic Drive motors with high accuracy
- Automatic arc height control of plasma torch with anti-collision and automatic repositioning
- Database for automatic compensation of the cutting inclination
- Save piercing time: save piercing time by laser measurement of the sheet position
- Fine Hole technology for the best quality holes and slots
- Robust and precise precision mechanics with reduced dimensions and weight
- Hypertherm HPR 400 XD High Definition plasma source with adjustable current up to 400A
- Maximum sheet metal hole plugging 50mm
- Plasma torch with quick-release technology, plasma marking and automatic gas console
- The work table has a working height of 815 mm and a working area of 2,500 x 12,000 mm, slightly reduced for bevel cutting
- Work table separated into sectors, 800 mm long for better strength and smoke extraction
- Grids with interchangeable 150x4mm plates easily available on the market
- Efficient fume extraction from four sides of each sector with the CNC controlled opening
- Oxy-fuel torch Mod. Rhona up to 80mm hole plugging or 100mm material thickness (cut from edge)
- Proportional valves for gas adjustment
- Capacitive height control and automatic ignition
- The drilling unit with ISO40 holder has a 6-fold tool changer and is suitable for a maximum drilling diameter of 35mm (sheet metal), tapping up to a maximum of M28
- The motor power of the drilling unit is 5.5 kW, the torque is max. 400 Nm at a max. speed of 4000 min-1 incl. internal tool lubrication, external tool lubrication

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