Behringer HBE Straight cut saw
Straight-cut band saws
Here you can learn everything you need to know about the Straight-cut band saws series HBE Straight cut saw from Behringer. In addition to available used machines, we present detailed information on all models, explain the operation, differences, advantages, disadvantages and point out comparable machines to help you decide in the buying process.
Sale/purchase of Behringer HBE Straight cut saw used machines
You want to sell a Behringer HBE Straight cut saw ? We buy your machine, take care of the disassembly, as well as the transport and ensure a professional, low-effort handling.
Sell used machineModel series HBE Straight cut saw from Behringer
Semi-automatic metal band saws from the HBE series offer precise saw cuts and enable fast set-up. These machines combine high cutting performance with easy handling and offer an economical solution for a wide range of sawing requirements. Ideally suited for processing small quantities in single cuts.