Kaltenbach KDB

Here you can learn everything you need to know about the Bohrmaschinen series KDB from Kaltenbach. In addition to available used machines, we present detailed information on all models, explain the operation, differences, advantages, disadvantages and point out comparable machines to help you decide in the buying process.

Sale/purchase of Kaltenbach KDB used machines

You want to sell a Kaltenbach KDB ? We buy your machine, take care of the disassembly, as well as the transport and ensure a professional, low-effort handling.

Sell used machine

Model series KDB from Kaltenbach

model overview

Kaltenbach KDB 615

Kaltenbach KDB 1015

Please note the changing performance characteristics in different model years due to innovations. We therefore assume no liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information and technical data provided on this website.
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